This can of 100% Arabica Mokador coffee is a special vacuum pack of 250 g. which maintain product freshness for a long time. And when the coffee is finished, the fine cans may be used as useful containers.
Available in can of 250 g.
250 gr
Minimum order: 4 pcs
€ 5,90 each.
4 in stock
250 gr
Minimum order: 4 pcs
€ 5,90 each.
This can of 100% Arabica Mokador coffee is a special vacuum pack of 250 g. which maintain product freshness for a long time. And when the coffee is finished, the fine cans may be used as useful containers. Available in can of 250 g.
This can of 100% Arabica Mokador coffee is a special vacuum pack of 250 g. which maintain product freshness for a long time. And when the coffee is finished, the fine cans may be used as useful containers.
Available in can of 250 g.
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